Two friendly beekeepers providing other friendly beekeepers with quality equipment, supplies, and information.
Whether you're new to beekeeping, or been around for a while, we're here to help you find what you need. We carry Canadian produced woodenware, jars, tools, feed, & more....
Winter Hours We will be closing for holidays on December 16th Please place orders by December 15th!
Have a Swarm? Need Hive Help? Want an experienced beekeeper to come and see your hive? Master Beekeeper Lianne offers on site visits providing a Two Bees view. Please contact t[email protected] for more information on hourly rates and travel fees. _________________________________________________________________________________________
Winter Hours We will be closing for Holidays on December 16th - Please place orders by the 15th!
HoneyHSummer is here! Check out our Beekeeping Resource page for more thoughts.
Wondering what some of our local beekeeper are up to? Check them out at Favorite Links.
What's New with Two Bees Apiary?
We're still offering great online service with pick up in North Vancouver,
and now serving you better with a Sunshine Coast and Vancouver Store Front location
We welcome our new partnership with Sunshine Coast Nursery in Roberts Creek. Giving us the opportunity to serve you with another location to pick up our quality Beekeeping Equipment and Supplies.
Homesteader's Emporium provides you with everything you need to get started on a variety of home self-sufficiency projects. Check out making cheese, keeping chickens, and knowledgeable staff, demonstrations, and instructional workshops.